Fender Red Amp Jewel
Fender style lamp jewels are used on countless amps from all kinds of manufacturers. In multiple colors, you can customise as you see fit.
Seen here in a jewel red color, you can add it to a Fender Blues Junior, Vibro-King, Deluxe, Twin Reverb or even a Peavy or Mesa Boogie amp!
Purchase this part online right now and inject some of your personality into your musical equipment.
Color - jewel red
Threading: 9/16 - 24
Made in U.S.A.
Introduced on tweed-era Fender® amplifiers. Used on Hot Rod Deluxe™, Hot Rod DeVille™, Blues Deluxe™, Blues DeVille™, Blues Junior™, Pro Junior™, Custom Vibrolux Reverb®, Super-Sonic™ Series, Vintage Modified series, Vintage Reissue series, '57 Twin®, '57 Deluxe™, '59 Bassman®, '94 Twin, Vibrasonic, '57 Band-Master®, Vibro-King® and Tremolux™ amplifiers