SAFE DOCK: Ship Your Gear To Backstage Music

Backstage Music Named 2019 NAMM Top 100 Dealer
Allen McBroom

Backstage Music is honored to be named as one of the Top 100 music stores in the world by NAMM (National Assn. of Music Merchants). This is the third year in a row that Backstage Music has been honored with this recognition. We're really proud that other folks notice what we do.
Backstage Creates Safe Space For Online Transactions
Allen McBroom

Need a safe space for completing an online music gear sale or trade? Backstage Music will be glad to be your safe space. Buyers and sellers can meet at Backstage and complete their deals in a safe, lighted, neutral space. If you need an amp for testing a guitar, we have you covered. Just let us know when you come in that you're completing an online transaction, and that's all we need to know. Backstage Music is committed to making out local musician community better (and safer), so come see us, and do your deal here.Need a safe...
Is Rosewood Disappearing?
Allen McBroom

Rosewood has been an integral part of musical instrument manufacturing for as long as we can remember. Fretboards and guitar bodies are two of the most dominant uses these days, but that may soon change. It seems the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) decided in 2016 that rosewood is teetering on the brink of extinction. It doesn't matter that it really isn't teetering on the brink, or isn't really anywhere close to the edge. CITES decided that commerce in nearly all species of rosewood should be regulated, and the US government signed onto the CITES treaty in...
Counterfeit Gibsons
Allen McBroom

There's been a marked increase in the number of counterfeit guitars we've been seeing at Backstage Music in recent years. One recent one looked pretty valid at 20 feet, but the closer it got, the more apparent it was that this Gibson Les Paul was neither a Gibson, nor a Les Paul. Spotting fakes takes a bit detective work, and a bit of construction detail knowledge. There's no definitive guide to spotting what form a fake will take, so what we have to do in order to spot fakes is have a high degree of familiarity with the details of...